This data base contains details of more than 600,000 real estate transactions in New York State, from 2004 to the present.  It includes the sale date, sale price, address, buyer, seller, assessment, school district, lot size, etc.

It does not include such data about the property as building square feet, number of bedrooms or bathrooms, etc. 

Subscribers can access the entire data base for 3 months. 

Click on the PayPal  button to charge  $30  to your credit card :

You will not be rebilled automatically at the end of the 3 months.

After paying with PayPal,  you will be directed to a screen
which will give you the necessary entry point.

Then, go to the subscribers web site, click on the County desired, then click on COUNTY-WIDE search, and search for the name of the person you are seeking.

OR  CLICK HERE   for info about paying by mail


Note:  Updates are weekly, but sales do not appear in the data base immediately.
Depending on the County, there is a processing delay of from 1 to 5 months.